We are constantly told that sugar is the main culprit for the rising incidence of tooth decay in modern times, and while a high sugar diet can contribute to tooth decay, I propose that it is actually phytic acid, a constituent in the hulls of grains, nuts and legumes, that is the real culprit.
Phytic acid is a form of phosphorus, an essential nutrient, that is not bio-available and actually chelates other essential minerals provoking vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Phytic acid can be broken down into an available form of phosphorus when placed into an acid medium, such as vinegar, or lactic acid (Although in Soybeans-the biggest phytic acid culprit, they must be cooked at high temps for 10 hours or more to mitigate the phytic acid content-although they are great cover crops for this reason as well). The latter being the reason the available vitamin and mineral content in lacto-fermented foods is so much higher than in the raw form, as well as the lactobaccillus producing phytase-an enzyme that naturally breaks down phytate and phytic acid. Sprouted breads and breads such as true sourdough (flour/grains soaked in cultured buttermilk for 8-12 hours) are much better nutritionally than standard breads-even 100% whole wheat, which is not very good for you generally speaking, but that is another blog topic.
Phytic Acid binds with Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron rendering them useless to the body. Free Calcium and Phosphorus are necessary for proper remineralization of teeth, and the lack of the traditionally prepared foods of yore are leaving teeth sorely lacking in the proper ways to heal themselves. YES! Your teeth can heal themselves from decay. Cavities with 2 mm or less of decay have been known to completely remineralize themselves with proper nutrition. Normal tooth enamel is comprised primarily of Hydroxylapatite which is a mineral made of Calcium, Phosphorus, and a hydroxyl group. When the tooth decays (as a process of acid wastes from bacteria), the acid demineralizes the teeth, whereas alkaline minerals will facilitate remineralization. This is where Vitamin D3 (THE SUN!) comes in. The mechanism of Vitamin D (as discussed in a previous blog) is not well understood, but more and more information is coming to light, such as the fact that Vitamin D3 supplementation between 1-10,000 IU's can alkalinize your saliva (body in general). An alkaline salivary environment promotes faster and better remineralization (an alkaline body is also less prone to disease). It is also known that vitamin D helps catalyze calcium remineralization in bones and believed to be somehow involved with tooth healing as per this study,
Now there is one caveat. Phytic acid in low concentrations actually has been shown to lower your incidence of colon cancers in particular, and other cancers as a whole. The best way to resolve this is to have one meal/snack devoted to phytic acid, with raw foods such as broccoli, carrots, walnuts, and artichokes that contain other phytonutrients as well. Grains as a whole are really only necessary in small doses as these are the largest phytic acid contributors, are high in sugars, and create an acid environment in the body which is conducive to tooth decay (not to mention they promote obesity and gluten containing grains are irritating to the gut, but more on that next blog). If you can't avoid eating grains, remember to soak them in an acid medium, such as cultured buttermilk, yogurt/kefir, or apple cider/rice vinegar for you vegans.
Also brushing with some great remineralizing tooth powders such as Uncle Harry's and Eco-dent, that can replace your fluoride toothpaste (fluoride being neurotoxic and all) are a great way to introduce free calcium and phosphorus while also creating alkalinity to your mouth. Happy brushing!
Great advice. Keep up the good work. Bacteria do not survive in an alkaline environment.
ReplyDeleteWow! Great article! It's so empowering to get real, unbiased information about the food we eat and how it reacts with our body. Plus, you don't hear the truth about fluoride in many places. The human body is amazing and has so much potential; your work is helping towards that path of realization.
ReplyDeleteInformative post! It has really helped me in knowing that grains, legumes and nuts are the real culprit for teeth cavities. Was suffering from a tooth cavity and consulted a local Torrance dentist. Going to start treatment from him soon.