Ok, so Colloidal Silver has gotten a bad rap lately and I feel the need to clear up some misconceptions. There is this big scare running around, that I feel has BIG PHARMA written all over it. It's called Argyria. While Argyria is a very real condition, there are only about 3 confirmed cases that have ever been used as evidence. While there is no actual toxic effects from developing Argyria, no one wants to run around looking like a Smurf hybrid, and it is this gray-blue pigmented possibility that it's detractors are trying to scare people with. What no one is bothering to tell you, is that NOT ONE case of Argyria was ever been reported in correlation with true colloidal silver-that is, silver metal nanoparticles suspended in water. Two reported cases were from "home brews" of silver in water with an electrical current run through to create ionic silver, silver that has an electron missing, a state that makes it very co-dependant indeed. What is it that co-dependants need/crave...partnership...awwwww. So these Silver ions will search out partnerships prior to entry and within your body, and one perfect bond is that with Chlorine, such found in simple table salt, to create a Silver salt. This Silver salt in HUGE quantities is what is responsible for the "blue man" syndrome. It acts in much the same way a developing photograph does when exposed to light and "colors" when deposited in the skin. Silver Nitrate, which was found in many nasal sprays of yore, is also a Silver Salt that acts similarly to produce Argyria. However, nonionic silver and silver that is not protein bound, plain metallic silver suspended in purified water has never been shown to produce any adverse effects reported to the FDA. (2)
SO now that we have the 3 ton elephant in the room escorted out, I can tell you the purported (though with testimonials) ailments that silver can rid from your body. Silver is antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral-not to all, but most. It has been clinically proven to decimate the number of MRSA in a lab culture to undetectable levels in 5 hours. It was also shown to kill the virus HIV-1 in a laboratory setting as reported by the Journal of Nanotechnology. Various other fungi and bacteria have been tested and all have been shown to die when exposed to Silver particles (that which found in true colloidal suspensions) as well. Also human studies were done to determine whether silver bio accumulates (it does not) and whether Silver changes it's chemical composition when exposed to HCl (stomach acid)-it does not.
People have been taking Colloidal Silver for over a century and there are many pink and brown bodied people out there that have been illness free for a number of years because of their prophylactic use of CS. It is not a cure-all, as the reason silver is so efficient is because it can easily bind with the sulfur compounds on the external capsids of pathogens rendering them unable to reproduce and eventually killing them. These binding receptors may not be available on every pathogen unfortunately, so you won't find a 100% cure-all here. But most is better than none at all!
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