It's been over a week since my last blog -I KNOW-I do have a life however :) And the vacation I took reminded me of this important vitamin as the last day I was there was also the sunniest and most beautiful day. What am I talking about? The "sunshine vitamin"--Vitamin D3!
Vitamin D3, also called cholecalciferol, is not really a vitamin, but a secosteriod and believed to also be a neurosteriod. It's function is widespread through all body systems (skeletal, circulatory, nervous, immune, digestive, reproductive, and is even mood altering)
Like a plant needs sun to produce Chlorophyll so do we need the sun for Vitamin D3.
The BEST and most efficient way to produce D3 is to go out into direct sunlight for about 20-30 minutes each day. In the summertime, your body will produce about 20,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 when fully exposed for 20 minutes (think: bathing suit). Now wait a minute, isn't that like...oh I dunno... ONE ONE-HUNDREDTH (1/100) of what the Adequate intake is, established by the FDA? Why yes, it is. Which is why I don't pay attention to that at all. I take about 16,000 IU's by oral supplement of D3 in the winter time, as 20 minutes of direct sunlight is just not an option here in the Pacific Northwest. I have had no issues with toxicity either. Current research is actually suggesting that the upper limit of 2000 IU's currently set is a minimum that our bodies need and that the actual requirements may be between 10 and 20 Thousand. However, make sure it is D three you are taking, as there have been mixed reviews about it's cousin D2 or ergocalciferol.
Through my research I have found that "megadoses" of Vitamin D3, in preliminary research, is a potent anti-cancer supplement as well as useful for staving off disease in general by supporting the immune system.
There have been numerous studies outlining the efficacy of D3 supplementation and the remission of cancer, and rather than link each one, I have found an amazing website dedicated to bringing the awareness of Vitamin D3 and it's potential uses and necessity in today's diet, if not derived from the sun itself.
Not only is D3 believed to be a potent anti-cancer supplement, but the deficiency of may also be linked to autism, depression, mental illness, hypertension, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, as well as chronic fatigue and pain. It is widely known-with no small amount of concern, that many of these noted disorders are on the rise; Could this, perchance, be in keeping with the generational turn for indoor pursuits rather than having a natural rapport with the earth and sun?
Most likely. 20 minutes of sun a day can't hurt if I'm wrong-so go work on that tan.
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