This topic is a hot one, but one I can't help but touch upon. Most people are all for vaccinations. Which is their absolute right. However, I am of a different school of thought.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't born this way, my parents weren't anti-establishment hippies by any stretch of the imagination. I, in fact, was a very pro-vaccine kind of person and debated that position until the evidence against such a stance was overwhelming. So I think instead of attempting to convince anyone, I will just offer evidence that convinced me, and let those that will make their own decision. I had a lot of links and word of mouth evidence thrown at me that I shrugged off, never read, and would rebut without even glancing at the material (ignorant of me, I know), but the one thing that made me go 'hmmm' was the fact that a former director of the NIH was quoted as saying:
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't born this way, my parents weren't anti-establishment hippies by any stretch of the imagination. I, in fact, was a very pro-vaccine kind of person and debated that position until the evidence against such a stance was overwhelming. So I think instead of attempting to convince anyone, I will just offer evidence that convinced me, and let those that will make their own decision. I had a lot of links and word of mouth evidence thrown at me that I shrugged off, never read, and would rebut without even glancing at the material (ignorant of me, I know), but the one thing that made me go 'hmmm' was the fact that a former director of the NIH was quoted as saying:
"The only safe vaccine is one that is never used."
Dr. James R. Shannon
Now for those that do not know what the NIH is... It is THE largest health establishment in the U.S. It is the nation's medical research facility and much of the nation's health policy is developed as a result of findings within the NIH. SO to have someone say this, whose job was overseeing all of the United States medical research- a large portion of which dealt with vaccination issues- struck a nerve with me. So I took the bait and looked into it myself, and I came away stunned.
Three things jumped out at me at once. Vaccines don't really work, they are full of toxic junk, and they can even make a population sicker.
What I mean by vaccines don't really work, is that well they don't do the job nature intended. In theory, yes "by introducing a pathogen that is weakened the body will form an immune response" sounds good, but in practice it doesn't produce the inflammatory response necessary to overpower a pathogen. Remember our skin and mucous membranes are an intrinsic part of our immune response-they contain resident dentritic cells (our memory cells) that can mount an attack at the first sign of a prospective invader. Basically even before an invader passes the skin/mucous membrane barrier-the dendritic cell is "on it" gathering the cavalry. Vaccines take them out of the equation-think of it as trying to bake bread and not using any yeast-only the half the pan is covered and your bread is hard and flat...you get my point anyways.
Not only that, but many times vaccine makers are using cell cultures that aren't sterile with the genetic material carrying provirus' within them, so that they are released within your own body and you then become infected. There is documented evidence that cancer causing viral strains were transmitted via the polio virus in it's inception, to the unwitting public. Today's vaccine maker's "promise" that their tissue samples are better controlled, however as a provirus, many can hide undetected within DNA until an enzymatic trigger starts them reproducing. And then there is the "attenuated" virus itself. While most of our vaccinated diseases today were on the decline previous to mandates due to the advent of indoor plumbing and handwashing crusades, since the mandates (and by mandates, I mean school required shots) there are actually increases and even pockets of outbreaks within 100% vaccinated populations.
The ingredients in vaccines gave me pause because, well, I am not a chemist. So I did what any confused and needing-to-be-enlightened person would do. I Googled.
While Thimerosal has been taken out of all childhood vaccines besides the Flu shot, there is still the issue of Aluminum and Formaldehyde. Aluminum build-up has been linked to a host of neural defects from ADHD to Alzheimer's. Formaldehyde deteriorates cell metabolism and is cytotoxic and in turn causes cell necrosis. They add free amino acids that alone can become excitotoxins in your body when not part of a larger amino chain (see my sweetener blog). There are a host of other ingredients that have similar "EW!" reactions if you care to take a look.
These vaccines trigger premature thymus cells in babies at a much too early age-that could mature into hundreds of thousand of mature T-cells. A natural early immune response in babies takes up about 10% of these pre-mature thymus cells. A vaccinated individual? 60%. Leaving the immune system depleted for any future encounters with disease.
Between the known and unknown ingredients in our vaccines today, as well as the lack of proper immunity even a "safe" shot containing a minimum of ingredients would impart--I find them completely unnecessary. They have been linked to cancer, autoimmune diseases, neural disorders, behavioral disorders just to give you the short list.
My take? Not worth it. Our immune system evolved over millions of years and our species has made it to the very top of the food chain without the need for invasive and possibly deadly shots.
My choice is clear though it was a struggle to get here, with the world practically yelling that this is GOOD for you. I think shots have become big business, and not about saving lives. If anything, my paranoid brain screams out--"They break you at birth so they can spend the rest of your life "fixing" you and raking in the big bucks" It behooves vaccine makers to keep getting vaccines mandated--as soon as they are, they are covered under legislation that keeps them free from litigation from any adverse effects-including death and then they supply the drugs that treat the illness they imposed. One can only assume that is the reason my children are required about 26 more vaccinations than I at the same age.
Keep your immune system healthy with good food, herbs, and vitamins and chances are that if you do get sick, it will be mild (crappy, but mild). Use common sense of course, and utilize medical facilities when necessary, but people have treated their own illnesses for thousands-nay hundreds of thousands of years. You can too-don't let the hype scare you.
As a side note, my husband (a government worker) was told he could opt out of the H1N1 (SWINE) flu shot that had been previously mandatory. Why? Too much mercury.
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